How do I cancel a reservation on Expedia?

"2023-01-03" By Admin

Did you recently make a reservation for your trip with Expedia? Due to an unfortunate situation, you need to cancel your trip and your flight tickets. You need an Expedia customer service number to contact a support team member for your cancellation. Then go through the below process and points to know how you can contact customer service at Expedia.

The Ways to cancel tickets on Expedia

Via Customer service

If you need help paying your cancellation fee or if there are multiple itineraries displayed and you would like to use the Expedia phone number to contact the support team member, you can use the below points.

  • To start with, you need to open a browser and look for the Official page of Expedia.
  • On the home page, you must scroll down and click on the change or cancel option.
  • When you click on the change or cancel option, you will be able to see how you can cancel, or there is another option, contact us.
  • You need to click on the contact us option and answer a few questions before you get the cancellation.
  • You will get the contact number of Expedia.
  • Dial the given number.
  • You need to then select the language after the greetings.
  • And pay close attention to the instructions given by the computerized voice.
  • Press the numbers accordingly to get in touch with the representative of Expedia.
  • Once connected with a live representative, you can request a cancellation.
  • Cancellation charges may or may not apply.

Via Online mode

If you cannot connect with the representative and cancel your reservation, you can also use the online method to cancel your flight tickets. Use the below steps as a reference to cancel your reservation on Expedia.

  • You must go to Expedia's official home page from any web Browser.
  • You need to visit the itinerary page then to cancel.
  • It would be best if you looked for the Manage booking option on the itinerary page.
  • Enter your email address and the itinerary number on the text boxes and click the next opportunity.
  • You need to click on the change or cancellation option from the drop-down menu.
  • Confirm your cancellation by clicking the cancellation option once again.
  • If you cannot cancel your flight tickets, it is because you might need to pay for the cancellation changes.
  • Once the cancellation charges are paid, you can proceed.
  • You will receive a confirmation notification regarding your cancellation to your registered email or mobile number.

Things to know

  • To cancel your reservation, you may have to make a cancellation fee.
  • Make sure to go through the cancellation charges to learn more.
  • Some reservations you make can be non-refundable; hence, read the policies in your itinerary before cancellation.

If you have any issues, you can immediately contact Expedia customer service, and your queries will be answered in no time.


You can use the above methods if you are perplexed about How to cancel a reservation on Expedia? And you can also use the frequently asked question to know more about how to cancel your reservation.

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